Is Boldness a Gift or a Skill?

To paraphrase Seth Godin, some days, we wake up with optimism and possibility… we’re able to find more reserves, connect better, and do more innovative, bold work. That might be because the world has handed us an opportunity or because we’re born optimistic…

But also, we can learn to be bold. Seth’s list includes morning pages, meditation, exercise, positive thinking, the right audio inputs, who we hang out with, the media we consume. Entrepreneurs can add the books we read, the investors we find, the teams we choose, and the knowledge we acquire. Product creators might consider listening to more customers about what they don’t like about what we built. Salespeople can learn more about their customers—their posts on LinkedIn, their annual reports, notes from conversations, and investor calls.

These are our choices.

And if these are our choice, that means boldness is a skill because we can get better at it.

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

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